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Dandruff Treatment At Home | KPH Media India

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Dandruff is a common condition in both men and women and is a recurring problem for many. Are you one of those people who has a dandruff problem every winter when you wash your hair with hot water? Dandruff Treatment At Home #homeremedies #kphmediaindia

Here are some home remedies for dandruff:

Dandruff is a scalp disease caused by a fungus, Malassezia, which feeds on sebum (the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands in our scalp), and dead skin cells that form naturally appear as new skin forms. Read home remedies to get rid of dandruff.

1) Try some yoghurt( Dahi) and Papaya :

Yogurt or Dahi is an ingredient that is suitable for all hair types. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help in dandruff and itchy scalp.

To make a mask:

  • ½ cup of yogurt ( Dahi ) and mix it with mashed papaya.
  • Leave in your hair for 30 minutes and then wash as usual.
  • Apply this yogurt mask twice a month.

This will keep dandruff under control and helps clean the scalp and also promote hair.

2) Use Coconut Oil and Lemon:

Coconut oil has antiparasitic properties that will help rid the scalp of itchy elements and provide relief. Coconut and lemon oil is a proven remedy to remove dandruff and also pleasant odors.

How can use coconut oil and lemon:

  • Take a bowl mix 4- 6 tablespoons of coconut oil ( you can also add some additional oil with coconut oil for more nourishment ) and lemon juice mix well, Before taking a shower apply lemon and coconut mixture into your scalp
  • Leave it in your hair for 1 hour and after shampoo normally.

3) Use Mashed Banana:

Banana is a great treatment because it contains natural antimicrobial properties which help cleanse the dry scalp and dandruff and gives incredibly moisturizing and nourishing.

To make a mask:

  • Take a blender put the banana in it or simply mash a banana with few drops of coconut or olive oil.
  • Massage this mixture into your scalp and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.

4) Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil helps in removing dandruff and fungus that cause them because it is rich in antiseptic, antifungal, and antibiotic properties. And also moisturizing the scalp and clearing clogged pores.

How to use it:

Take tea tree oil mix with coconut or olive oil and massage into the scalp.

Leave it on your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water and shampoo normally

5) Squeeze The Lemon:

Lemon is a source of citrus acid, which helps in cleanses the scalp, reduces dead skin cells, makes hair shiny.

To make a mask:

  • Take a bowl mix lemon and honey and apply this mixture on your scalp and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. And then wash with shampoo

6) Rub It With Baking soda: 

Baking soda helps in removes dead skin cells from the scalp. By adjusting the pH of your scalp, and also it can control the development of fungi that cause dandruff!

How to apply Baking Soda:

Take baking soda and mix it with lemon drops and massage your scalp with this ingredient

7) Neem Solution Of All Problem:

Neem has antibacterial and antifungal properties that slow the growth of dandruff and it greatly relieves itching and redness of the scalp.

To make a mask:

  • Put some neem leaves in a blender, blend them properly and put in a tablespoon of honey, and make a paste.

Now Apply the neem and honey

  • mask to your scalp and leave it on for 10-20 minutes. then wash your hair with cold water
  • And also Boil neem leaves in water for 10 to 15 minutes, store them in a spray bottle, and spray every time you wash your hair

8) Mix it With Fenugreek Seeds( Methi):

Fenugreek seeds, also known as methi, are high in protein and have been known to nourish hair, prevent hair loss and remove dandruff.

To make a mask:

  • Soak 1 cup of fenugreek seeds( methi) overnight and then blend it
  • Now add the egg yolk and mix well and then apply this mixture on your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes then wash with a mild shampoo.

9) Apply Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera contains many vitamins, minerals, antibacterial and antifungal properties that prevent dandruff and relieve itching, and strengthens and nourishes it from the roots.

How to use it:

  • Take Aloe vera gel from the market ( also cut a branch of aloe vera and scoop out the gel ) and massage into the scalp for 15 to 20 minutes
  • leave it on your scalp for another 20 to 30 minutes and then wash with a mild shampoo

10) Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar helps in balancing the PH or reducing the fungal growth on the scalp and hair and also stimulating the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp.

How to use it:

  • Dilute an Apple cider vinegar and water in equal amounts ( or you can add honey for extra moisturization) and apply it
  • Leave it on your scalp and hair for 25 to 30 minutes and then wash it

Read More: Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water | KPH Media India

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